Acupuncture is the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the surface of the body to affect change and healing. The points selected are based on your specific diagnosis, and are part of energetic and physiological systems present in the body. These systems and pathways were first delineated in what is considered to be the oldest Chinese medical text, Huang Di Nei Jing (Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine). The acupuncture points are energetic centers which lie on these pathways, and often coincide with nerve bundles.
In its simplest form, acupuncture encourages proper blood and energy circulation in the body to address various disorders and strengthen the body’s innate healing mechanism to prevent illness.
This therapy can be traced back to ancient Egypt, China and Middle East, and is still used all over the world. It involves using glass or plastic cups along with suction as a mechanism for stimulating blood flow while releasing pain and tension. Cupping therapy is also used to reduce heat and stagnation in the body, promote tissue detoxification and support immunity.
This therapy is great for persons experiencing muscular tension and pain, asthma or lung disorders, athletes looking to reduce muscle soreness and recovery time, as well as those looking to cleanse from chemicals and toxins.
Guāshā 刮痧 is therapy that dates back to ancient China and translates to “scraping.” It involves scraping the surface of the skin to promote blood circulation, break up adhesions and release heat from the body.
Chinese Herbal Medicine dates back at least 3000 years ago to when a few herbs and their medicinal properties were formally documented in classical texts. A few hundred years later, many more herbs were compiled into Chinese medical texts describing the nature, flavor, organ affinity and applications of hundreds of herbs. The East Asian herbal knowledge we have access to today is thanks to those before us, testing these herbs to find cures through times of crises and epidemics. In modern times it is still used to treat a wide arrange of ailments, standing the test of time.